As hard as it is to believe, we are only a few steps away from November. By this time of the year we would be well into planning for our 2021 season at both theatres. You, our fans and patrons, would have your tickets purchased and seats selected for the productions on the playbill that piqued your interest. Set designs would be drafted for construction and the actors would start receiving the final scripts for preparations. The machine that is Lighthouse and Showboat would be in full swing.
However, this year, things are a bit different.
This year we must be patient and mindful of how we move forward. Between Lighthouse and Showboat we present up to four shows a day and are responsible for the safety of up to 1200 patrons on those days. Not to mention all the staff, volunteers and technicians who work so hard to make your visits memorable ones.
So, we are choosing patience, to make sure that when we do announce next summer’s playbill it will respect where the world stands and inform us of the responsible way forward with everyone’s safety in the leading role.
But know this, we will move forward. Make no mistake about that. We will return next summer!
We are sitting on eight different scenarios for next summer and in the new year we will select the scenario that makes the most sense. That’s when the fun begins. That’s when you find out what the shows are and our rehearsal hall becomes a rocket ship of creativity. And when you arrive a few months later … we will be ready to entertain you all summer long!
One thing we can share with you now – it will be an entirely Canadian playbill!
No question it’s been a tough year for theatres. To lose an entire season has been breathtaking … to say the least. But with your continued support Lighthouse and Showboat have been able to quietly improve during this closure so that one day soon, they will shine brighter than ever before … of that I am sure.
From all of us here, we thank you for being with us all these years and I honestly can’t wait to see you back in your seats next summer, laughing at my poor opening speeches, laughing throughout some terrific shows, and then laughing again on your way home.
And there’s plenty coming for you next summer.
Derek Ritschel
Artistic Director