Lighthouse Festival Policies

Human Rights


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is committed to providing equal treatment with respect to employment according to the protected grounds established under the Ontario Human Rights Code. LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION has adopted this policy to ensure that our employees are provided with meaningful employment that is ethical and fair, and is in compliance with all applicable employment, and human rights legislation.


Discrimination: Any form of unequal treatment based on a Code ground, whether imposing extra burdens or denying benefits. It may be intentional or unintentional. It may involve direct actions that are discriminatory on their face, or it may involve rules, practices or procedures that appear neutral, but have the effect of disadvantaging certain groups of people. Discrimination may take obvious forms, or it may occur in very subtle ways. In any case, even if there are many factors affecting a decision or action, if discrimination is one factor, that is a violation of this Policy.


Our Human Rights Policy is in place to ensure we provide a working environment for all employees that fosters openness and tolerance. This policy is intended to ensure that LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION’s practices and the practices of all our employees are free from direct and indirect discrimination. Under the Human Rights Code, employers have the ultimate responsibility for ensuring a healthy and inclusive work environment, including preventing and addressing discrimination and harassment.

Prohibited Grounds of Discrimination in Ontario:
Disability (mental or physical)
Ethnic origin
Family status
Gender expression or identity
Marital Status
Place of Origin
Record of Offences
Sexual Orientation

Accessibility in Employment

LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is committed to providing accessibility across all stages of the employment cycle, by removing barriers and creating a workplace that is accessible to all job candidates and employees. Any applicant to LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION that communicates the need for accommodation shall be considered in a manner that is non-discriminatory, and respectful of our human rights obligations.


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will support the accommodation of employees and job applicants who require workplace accommodation under any of the grounds described in the Human Rights Code. We will work to achieve a workplace free of barriers by providing accommodation for the needs of those individuals covered by the Code, up to the point where it causes undue hardship for LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION. Every effort will be made such that the impact of accommodation will not discriminate against another group protected by the Code. LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION shall provide accommodation as appropriate, using a consultative approach that involves the company, the individual, and Human Resources, and applicable healthcare professionals, and other third parties that are required to assist in the accommodation process.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace by providing an atmosphere free from barriers where no one is denied opportunities for reasons unrelated to their abilities. We celebrate and welcome the diversity of all employees, stakeholders, and external personnel. This policy has been adopted to foster an environment that respects people’s dignity, ideas, and beliefs. We demonstrate our commitment to this by providing a supportive work environment and a culture that welcomes and encourages equal opportunities for all employees. The company will comply with all applicable legislation in pursuit of these endeavours.


  • Dignity: Being treated respectfully.
  • Discrimination: Treating people unequally or making a distinction based on legally protected grounds that results in a burden, obligation, or disadvantage that is not imposed on others or which limits access to opportunities, benefits, and advantages available to other members of society.
  • Diversity: The variety of unique dimensions and characteristics that we all possess.
  • Equity: Fair access to opportunities.
  • Inclusion: Creating a culture that embraces, values, and respects differences
  • Microaggressions: Everyday slights, insults, or insensitive actions that may be intentionally or unintentionally offensive and are directed at people who belong to marginalized groups.
  • Protected grounds: The characteristics that an employer must not use as reasons to discriminate against an individual or group under human rights legislation. Sometimes called prohibited grounds, these often include race, colour, creed, ethnic or national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, family status, marital status, age, and disability, but protected grounds may differ by jurisdiction.
  • Unconscious bias: The inclinations or assumptions that we all have that operate without our awareness and can include stereotypes and prejudices towards certain individuals or groups.


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is committed to observing and following relevant human rights, equity, and privacy legislation to prevent discrimination based on any protected grounds. Employees will not be negatively impacted by any actions or decisions relating to hiring, compensation, promotion, benefits, job assignments, transfers, layoffs, return from layoffs due to a protected ground that they may have. Lighthouse Festival Theatre Corporation will also follow Article 10 (Access, Inclusion and Anti-Oppression) in the current Canadian Theatre Agreement.

Cultural Competence

All employees and stakeholders of LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION must respect the differences of others and treat everyone with dignity. LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will strive to build a culturally competent workforce by providing training about diversity, equity, and inclusion, encouraging positive attitudes towards cultural differences, raising awareness of unconscious biases and the harmful effects of prejudice, discrimination, and microaggressions, and working to eliminate such aggressions in the workplace.


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION may use various training initiatives to foster cultural competencies. Every employee and manager will receive training around diversity, equity, and inclusion as part of their onboarding.


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is dedicated to recruiting and retaining a qualified workforce. By valuing a diverse workforce, LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is committed to hiring practices that are fair and equitable. LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will always hire the most qualified candidate for a position. A protected ground will not be used against an individual during the hiring process. The company will ensure that the search and hiring processes are fair and equitable so that each candidate has a fair opportunity throughout the process regardless of any protected ground they may have.

Conflict Resolution


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is committed to providing a workplace where employees are treated with fairness, dignity and respect. LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION has instituted this policy to provide employees with an outlet to raise concerns regarding any conflict in the workplace or dissatisfaction with respect to issues related to their employment in an open and fair manner with provisions made to ensure their prompt and reasonable resolution.


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION encourages employees to work together to resolve problems in a positive and cooperative manner. When an issue arises that can’t be resolved on a one-to-one basis, the employee’s supervisor and/or Human Resource Coordinator are available to assist with problem resolution.

The following conflicts should be reported, and LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION shall strive to address them with reasonable resolutions.

  • Disputes with co-workers or managerial staff with unwanted, and unresolved consequences.
  • Perceived unfair or inequitable treatment.
  • Harassment whether sexual, discriminatory, or personal in nature (adjudicated through Harassment, Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy)
  • Abuse of authority.
  • Administration of company policies.
Reporting Procedure

  • Employees are encouraged to discuss the unwanted behaviour or actions with the offending party as the situation dictates.
  • Under ideal circumstances, the two parties shall reach a reasonable resolution without the necessity of the filing of a formal complaint.
  • In the event that a discussion is not feasible or fails to reach a reasonable resolution, a formal complaint may be filed.
  • Complainants should record the details of the unwanted circumstance(s), the names of any applicable witnesses, and any attempts made to resolve the issue heretofore.
  • Formal complaints stemming from unresolved employee or managerial conflicts shall be submitted in writing with any pertinent documentation, to Human Resources.
  • Formal complaints shall be reviewed and investigated.
  • Formal complaints must be submitted within 14 days from the date of the alleged incident(s).
  • In all cases where formal complaints have been lodged, it is important to maintain a policy of strict confidentiality between the complainant and the responder (manager / HR). For investigative purposes, the offending party may be notified.
  • Anonymous complaints shall not be reviewed.
Employee Expectations


  • Employees are required to fully comply with the Conflict Resolution Policy.
  • Shall be treated fairly throughout the process, as either a complainant, or alleged offending party.
  • Shall be responsible for maintaining confidentiality regarding their involvement, and the complaint itself.
  • Shall co-operate with any investigations in relation to complaints.

Management / Human Resources

  • Management and Human Resources shall be responsible for enacting preventative measures to ensure a workplace that is free from harassment, and for the communication of policy and procedures contained herein.
  • Management and Human Resources shall receive and address properly filed complaints in an appropriate fashion.
  • In the event that the complainant and the offending party are engaged in a subordinate-supervisor relationship, they may be physically removed from each other on a temporary basis, and may require a change in their reporting relationship.
  • Investigate, or co-investigate any complaints, claims and documentation therein.
  • Attempt to reach a reasonable resolution to the conflict.
  • Inform the complainant and the offending party of possible resolutions available.
  • If an apology is made by the offending party, and the complainant accepts the apology, this may be viewed as a reasonable resolution.
  • All attempts shall be made to reach a reasonable resolution through mediation of the complaint with both parties involvement.

Where the complaint is substantiated:

In the event that a complaint is substantiated and a reasonable solution to halt the unwanted behaviour or action through mediation is not possible, the following actions shall be taken for the offending party:

  • Written warning/reprimand.
  • Transfer or demotion, and in some instances both a transfer and a demotion.
  • Education and training.
  • Suspension.
  • Termination of Employment.

Where the complaint is not substantiated:

In the event that a complaint is not substantiated due to lack of evidence or other reasons, both parties shall be informed with the rationale used. The complainant shall be notified first.

Both parties should be reminded that an unsubstantiated complaint does not necessarily mean that it was filed under false or frivolous pretences.

A complainant may request that the investigation be re-opened in the event that pertinent new evidence can be provided, or a reprisal due to the allegation has occurred.


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION shall keep on file all formal complaints, and the accompanying documentation, and the findings of any investigation.

Information from a previous investigation resulting in a substantiated complaint may be used for review and consideration purposes in the event of a new allegation.

False or Frivolous Complaints
  • Employees should be cognizant of the fact that a formal complaint against another employee is a serious allegation with repercussions.
  • Where a complaint is found to be either false or frivolous, or where supporting documentation for a complaint has been falsified, the complainant or witness may be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment.

Health & Safety


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is vitally interested in the health and safety of its employees. Protection of employees from injury or occupational disease is a major continuing objective. LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will make every effort to provide a safe, healthy work environment. All supervisors and workers must be dedicated to the continuing objective of reducing risk of injury.

LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION as employer will practice due diligence and take every reasonable precaution for the protection of workers.

Supervisors must be competent and will be trained and held accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Supervisors are responsible to ensure that machinery and equipment are safe and that workers work in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures. Workers will receive adequate training in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety.

Every worker must protect his or her own health and safety by working in compliance with the law and with safe work practices and procedures established by LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION.

It is in the best interest of all parties to consider health and safety in every activity. Commitment to health and safety must form an integral part of this organization, from the board and management to the workers



LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION encourages open communication on health and safety issues. Open communication is essential to providing an accident-free and productive work environment.

  • Employees who voice or identify a health and safety concern will not be subject to reprisal or retaliation.
  • Health and safety comments will be reviewed by Human Resources. Management will initiate an investigation on each reported or potential hazard.
  • Employees should inform their supervisor of any matter they perceive to be an actual or potential workplace hazard.

  • Supply an effective strategy to manage the occupational health and safety concerns of the company.
  • Allocate and govern resources properly to achieve the health and safety requirements of employees, and that policies comply with the company’s legal obligations.
  • Foster a workplace culture of safety with appropriate leadership.
  • Review policies annually for compliance and efficiency, and revise where necessary.
  • Provide all relevant parties with a copy of all orders or reports issued to the employer by a Ministry of Labour inspector and inform the committee of any work-related incidents involving injury, death, or occupational illness.
Managers and Supervisors
  • Help develop, implement, and enforce company policies and procedures.
  • Continually promote health and safety awareness with instruction, information, training, and supervision to ensure the safe performance of employees.
  • Use the process of hazard identification, risk management, and incident investigation.
  • Perform occupational health and safety inspections of the workplace to identify and control any and all hazards to employees.
  • Be accountable for the health and safety of employees under their supervision.
  • Ensure that machinery and equipment are safe and that employees work in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures.
  • Ensure that employees receive adequate training in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety.
Human Resources
  • Liaise with government agencies to ensure workplace health and safety compliance.
  • Advise management on safety and health policy issues.
  • Coordinate health and safety inspections, and follow up to ensure the completion of necessary corrective actions.
  • Develop best practices that support a strong health and safety program.
  • Design and develop accident and incident reports and investigation procedures.
  • Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of applicable health and safety regulations as mandated locally, provincially, or federally.
  • Design and develop company policies and procedures related to workplace safety and health issues.
  • Review injury and illness trends, and identify problem areas and solutions.
  • Comply with occupational health and safety policies and procedures.
  • Notify managers of any health and safety concerns, so they may be dealt with promptly.
  • Protect their own health and safety by working in compliance with the law, safe work practices, and procedures established by the company.
  • Use appropriate personal protective equipment as required.
  • Report unsafe or potentially hazardous conditions, without fear of reprisal, to their manager or human resources.
All Staff
  • Complete required occupational health and safety training.
  • Perform duties in a manner conducive to a safe workplace, following all safety practices and procedures.
  • Report any incident, injury, or hazard as outlined in company procedures.
  • Report any acts of violence or harassment in the workplace.
  • Promote a hazard-free workplace.
  • Learn the posted emergency plan detailing the facility’s procedures pertaining to fire, weather, or medical emergency.
Health and Safety Representatives
  • Commit to improving health and safety conditions in the workplace.
  • Stimulate and raise awareness of health and safety issues in the workplace.
  • Recognize and identify workplace risks and hazards.
  • Develop recommendations to address risks and hazards.
  • Conduct regular workplace inspections and make written recommendations.
  • Develop and implement accident prevention and health and safety programs.
  • Listen to employee complaints, concerns, and suggestions.
  • Participate in health and safety inquiries and investigations.
  • Advise on health and safety matters, such as personal protective equipment.
  • Maintain accurate and detailed records of near misses, accidents, and injuries.
  • Promote and monitor compliance with health and safety regulations.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of existing health and safety programs and policies, and assist with the implementation of improvements.
  • Attend meetings as required.
Reporting Structures

Any concerns or near misses should be reported to the health and safety representative and the appropriate manager. Employees who voice or identify a health and safety concern will not be subject to reprisal or retaliation.

If an emergency occurs, employees must immediately call 911 then report the incident to management. Appropriate responses will be dictated by the severity of the event and its effect on the health and safety of employees, visitors, and property.

Workplace Violence, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment


LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION is committed to building and preserving a safe, productive, and healthy working environment for its employees, volunteers and patrons, free from violence and harassment. The company will take all reasonable measures to ensure job candidates, employees, managers, volunteers and patrons are not subject to any form of violence or harassment. This commitment applies to all areas of business, including customer relations, training, performance, assessment, promotions, transfers, layoffs, remuneration, and all other employment practices and working conditions.

Acts of violence or harassment against or by any employee will not be condoned or tolerated by the company. This policy outlines the LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION violence and harassment program, including how incidents of violence and harassment will be handled and investigated. Workplace harassment will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace (including customers, clients, other employers, supervisors, workers and members of the public, as applicable). As a member of PACT, the theatre will also resource and follow Canadian Theatre Agreement Article 9: Harassment and Discrimination.


  • Complainant: A person who has made a complaint about another individual who they believe committed an act of violence or harassment against them.
  • Respondent: A person whom another individual has accused of committing an act of violence or harassment.
  • Workplace harassment: Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or workplace sexual harassment.
  • Workplace sexual harassment: Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant, or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.
  • Workplace violence: The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker; an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker; or a statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.

Employee Training

LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION shall be responsible to provide all employees with training on general workplace security including issues related to violence & harassment. This training will be given as part of the employee’s initial orientation program & reviewed subsequently on an annual basis.

Violence Risk Assessment

LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will conduct a risk assessment of the work environment to identify potential risks that could affect the organization and the health and safety of employees and will institute measures to eliminate or control any identified risks to employee safety.

The following factors will be considered during the assessment:

  • Past incidents of violence;
  • Violence that is known to occur in similar workplaces;
  • The circumstances in which work takes place, including the type of work and conditions of work;
  • The interactions that occur in the course of performing work; and
  • The physical location and layout of the workplace.

The risk assessment may include reviews of records, security reports, employee incident reports, staff perception surveys, health and safety inspection reports, first aid records, or other related records. Areas that will be considered and may contribute to risk of violence include but are not limited to contact with the public, exchange of money, receiving doors, and working alone or at night.

The company will provide the workers at the workplace with a written copy of the assessment and advise of the results.

The company will disclose information to workers who are likely to encounter a known person with a history of violence in the performance of their job duties, or if there is a potential risk of workplace violence as a result of interactions with the person with a history of violence. However, the company will only disclose personal information that is deemed reasonably necessary to protect the worker from physical harm.

Control Measures and Procedures

Measures will be implemented to eliminate or reduce the identified risks of workplace violence:

  • Example: Notifications of individuals who have been restricted from company property are kept in an alert binder. Relevant staff will be informed of new alerts as they occur.
Reporting Incidents of Workplace Violence and Harassment

An employee who believes they have been subject to violence or harassment should submit a complaint to their supervisor.

The complaint should be made as soon as possible following the incident and must include the following information:

  • The date and time of the incident;
  • The name of any persons involved in the incident;
  • The name of any persons who witnessed the incident; and
  • A thorough description of what occurred.

An employee who believes they have been subject to harassment may also choose to confront the harasser without filing a formal complaint. They can confront the harasser directly or through writing, detailing the unwelcome behaviour and requesting it to stop.

If the alleged harasser is the employee’s manager, or in a position of power, the complainant is welcome to file a complaint with Human Resources or Chair of the Board (

Immediate Assistance Procedures

The following measures and procedures should be followed when an incident of violence has occurred or is likely to occur and immediate assistance is required:

  • Place an immediate call to emergency services by dialing 911.
  • Inform your supervisor and anyone other coworker in the building.
Investigation Procedures and Results

Once a complaint has been received, LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will complete a thorough investigation. The organization will ensure that, where practicable, the investigation is completed within 90 days of the complaint being filed.

The investigation will include:

  • Informing the respondent of the complaint;
  • Interviewing the complainant and any persons involved in the incident;
  • Identifying and interviewing any witnesses; and
  • Obtaining statements from all parties involved.

All of the above information will be documented and used to determine whether an incident of violence or harassment occurred. If necessary, LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION may employ outside assistance or request the use of legal counsel.

A copy of the complaint, detailing the complainant’s allegations will be provided to the respondent, who will be invited to reply in writing to the complainant’s allegations. The reply will be made known to the complainant before the case proceeds.

The company will take all measures to prevent any disclosure of the incident and the identities of the parties involved, unless the disclosure is necessary for the investigation, for taking corrective action or required by law.

Results of Investigation

Upon completion of an investigation, LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will provide both the complainant and respondent a written summary of the findings of the investigation and any corrective action that has been or will be taken as a result of the investigation. This written notification will be provided within (insert timeframe) of the investigation being completed, and will not include the investigation report unless required by law.

Control Measures

Where LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION determines that violence or harassment has occurred, control measures will be implemented to eliminate or control the risk of violence or harassment to a worker as a result of the investigation. These control measures will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the situation investigated. Any control measure enacted will be communicated to the complainant and respondent, as well as any other employees the measure effects.

Domestic Violence

If LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION becomes aware that domestic violence is likely to expose an employee to physical injury in the workplace, the company will take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the worker. When an instance of domestic violence may potentially involve the workplace, employees must immediately inform the Executive Director including particulars as well as the name & description of the individual(s) of concern. When an employee has signed a restraining order against an individual due to a potential act of violence including provisions against approaching them at work, a copy of the signed order must immediately be given to the Executive Director who shall provide copies to the local police.

Recommendations to Victims

The company will provide appropriate assistance to any employee who is a victim of violence or harassment. LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION recommends that a worker who has been harmed as a result of an incident of violence at the workplace consult their health care provider for treatment or referral for post-incident counselling, if appropriate.

Human Resources will keep a list of resources for staff to access for victim services.

The Right to Refuse Unsafe Work

Employees have the right to refuse work if they have a reason to believe that workplace violence is likely to endanger them. Upon refusing to work, the employee must report the circumstance of the refusal to their manager. An investigation will follow in the presence of the worker safety and health representative).

Fraudulent or Malicious Complaints

It is a violation of this policy for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint, or to provide false information about a complaint. Unfounded or frivolous allegations may cause both the respondent and the company significant damage. Any employee who knowingly makes a false allegation related to violence or harassment will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Recordkeeping and Confidentiality

LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will ensure that appropriate records of complaints and investigations relating to incidents of violence and workplace harassment are kept, including:

  • A copy of the complaint or details about the incident;
  • Any records related to the investigation, including notes;
  • A copy of the investigation report (if applicable);
  • A summary of the investigation results, including the reports provided to the complainant and respondent; and
  • A copy of any corrective action taken to address the complaint or incident.

LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION will not disclose the name of a complainant or a respondent or the circumstances related to the complaint to any person except where disclosure is necessary to investigate the complaint or take corrective action with respect to the complaint, or required by law. The company will only disclose the minimum amount of personal information or details necessary for these purposes.

All records of harassment, and subsequent investigations, are considered confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone except to the extent required by law. The company will do everything reasonably possible to protect the privacy of any individuals involved and to ensure that complainants and respondents are treated fairly and respectfully.

In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, this policy will be posted in a conspicuous place in the workplace and reviewed annually.

As per the CTA:

9:024 Harassment 
“Harassment” is engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a person in a workplace that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome or offensive. Harassment is prohibited on the grounds as defined by legislation in the jurisdiction in which the Theatre has its point of origin Point of Origin. However, harassment is generally understood to be:

Sexual Harassment: Engaging in a course of vexatious comment of conduct because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome or making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement and that person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.

Harassment: Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. For the purpose of this policy, harassment includes comment or conduct initiated by one person towards another, which causes humiliation, offence or embarrassment, or which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the person’s work and/or creating an intimidating, humiliating, hostile or offensive environment. Ordinarily, repeated comment or conduct is required to demonstrate harassment, however single acts of sufficient severity may also constitute harassment.

Bullying is a distinct form of personal harassment and may include, but is not restricted to, some of the following: loud, abusive behaviour, unjustified criticism, shunning behaviours (including withholding information, ganging up, deliberate isolation from colleagues or exclusion from joint activities), repeated delegation of demeaning tasks.

All complaints are investigated, and with confidentiality. If a complaint is brought forward by an Equity member, at the specific request of a non-member, or if a complaint is made against an Equity member, the Theatre shall immediately advise Equity that an investigation is under way. Upon written consent of the Equity member, the Theatre shall share with Equity a summary report of the actions and findings. 

What can you do…

If It’s Happening To You…
Remember, You Are Not Alone.

  • Call HAVEN Helpline to report the incident.
  • Write down places, dates, times, people involved, witnesses and what happened. Make sure to record how the experience affected you.
  • Reach out to someone you trust, such as the Stage Manager or Liaison / Deputy and discuss available resources and assistance.
  • Consider speaking with the designated engager contact and tell them what has happened, if you feel comfortable.

If You Are A Witness…

  • Discrimination, harassment and bullying in the workplace affects everyone in the company by creating a toxic work environment.
  • Support your co-worker(s) and encourage them to call HAVEN Helpline.
  • Consider speaking with the engager about the toxic workplace, if you feel comfortable.
  • If the situation isn’t resolved or is getting worse, call HAVEN Helpline yourself to ask for support.
  • Keep a written record. This can help in resolving the situation.
Call an Equity Business Representative
If your workspace problem is related to contractual issues, payment of fees, or workspace health and safety issues.
Call HAVEN Helpline
If your workspace problem is related to abuse of power, bullying, discrimination (including, but not limited to, acts of ableism, ageism, racism or sexism), harassment/sexual harassment, reprisal, or violence.


Equity’s Respectful Workplace Policy

A hard copy is posted on all call boards.

Corporate Social Media


This policy is designed to provide all LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION employees with guidelines regarding the appropriate use of the company’s social media accounts with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram…

We encourage the sharing/liking/commenting/following on all LFT social media posts & accounts! 


  • Employees may not disclose confidential or proprietary information on any of LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION’s social media pages. The disclosure of confidential or proprietary information without prior authorization may result in immediate termination.
  • LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION employees will be held responsible for what they write or post on any of LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION’s social media pages. Inflammatory comments, disparaging remarks, or negative / inappropriate language or posts are not permitted.
  • LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION employees are directed not to engage in discussions regarding competitors’ products, legal issues in which the company is involved, or government issues related to the company and our industry without prior approval from management.
  • In the event that a LIGHTHOUSE FESTIVAL THEATRE CORPORATION staff member discovers any group(s) that users have formed to discuss the company, its products, or services, employees are requested to bring them to the attention of management.
  • Employees are required to relay important issues to management as soon as possible.
  • Employees should always carefully consider what to post in response to an argumentative or accusatory post. If employees have any questions regarding how to respond to a particular post, employees should discuss the issue with management prior to posting.
  • Always adopt a positive attitude when responding to comments on the company’s pages or applications, or comments about the company in general.
As per the CTA:

43:10 Capture of Material in Rehearsal or Backstage 

  1. Capture During Rehearsal: Recordings made, and photographs taken in rehearsal shall be allowed with Notice corresponding to the declared use. However, any Artist may withdraw their consent for the recording of material at any time by informing either Stage Management or a representative of the Theatre. 
  1. Capture Backstage: Specific permission to record any activities backstage including in or around dressing rooms must be requested in writing no later than twenty-four (24) hours in advance. No Artist shall be penalized in any way for refusing to grant permission for the capture of material in these areas. The only exception to this Clause is the capture of rehearsal material at a Dress Rehearsal, where the standard 24-hour notice shall apply. 

There shall be no capture of material during the half-hour call or in the wings during a performance. To this end, no camera or cell phones shall be permitted in the wings or on stage with the exception of those used by Stage Management for emergencies. 

Please remember that you are an extension of Lighthouse Festival Theatre. Lighthouse is an inclusive, respectful, and safe place, and the same should be applied to our presence on social media. The rehearsal hall is private, and the nature of the work we do requires vulnerability, mutual respect, and trust. If Lighthouse Theatre is made aware of a post made by an artist that is either inappropriate, racist, hateful, or disrespectful in any way the poster will be advised to remove the post and be required to attend a meeting with the executive of the theatre, Equity and Haven will also be informed as per the “Not in Our Space” guidelines.  

Rehearsal Hall:  

To maintain a safe and respectful working environment for everyone, all cell phones will be put to silent (not vibrate) prior to entering the rehearsal hall. The use of cell phones during rehearsal is not permitted unless on a break, or unless given express permission, with the exception of Stage Management. If an artist’s cell phone use becomes an issue within the rehearsal hall, i.e., they do not put it on silent and it disrupts rehearsal, they are on their cell phone during rehearsal time, they will be issued a formal verbal warning. If the issue persists, they will be issued a formal written warning. Beyond that they will be required to meet with Lighthouse Festival Theatre Management.  


Cell phones are not permitted backstage, with the exception of Stage Management, as per CTA clause 43:10, as stated above. Cell phones may be used in the dressing room.  


  • Photos will not be taken of other artists without their permission. If everyone agrees, the photo may be posted to social media. If, for any reason, someone in the photo decides they no longer want the photo posted, the poster will remove the photo immediately, with no questions asked. 
  • If the photo is being posted to social media before the show has opened, it may not contain any intellectual property of the designers, i.e., costumes, set pieces, props, drawings, etc. 
  • If the photo is being posted to social media after the show has opened and it contains intellectual property of our designers, the photo must be credited. This can be done by “tagging” the artist, or with their full name. 
  • If a production shot is being used the above still applies, as well as crediting the photographer. 

If you have a question or concern about anything you see on our social media, please feel free to contact: Don Kearney-Bourque at, or 519-583 1031, ext. 225