Meet the cast of Cinderella – The Panto! | Raquel Duffy as Fairy Godmother

We sat down for a wee chat with Raquel about Cinderella – The Panto!, how she sees the role of theatre in today’s society, what’s the funniest line of dialogue in the play, and what is the biggest misconception about people who work in the world of theatre.

Raquel Duffy as Fairy Godmother in Cinderella – The Panto!

Lighthouse Festival (LF): How do you see the role of theatre in today’s society?

Raquel Duffy (RD): Many of us live/play/work in an alternate ‘cyber’ world. Theatre allows a shared experience–not only with friends and family, but with complete strangers. In my opinion, that group connection theatre offers is vital to the human experience.

(LF): What’s the funniest line of dialogue for you in Cinderella?

(RD): There’s a bit that starts with “pull my finger”. And yes, I have the same sense of humour as your average 10 year old. That’s all I’ll say for now:)

(LF): What drew you to this role in Cinderella?

(RD): Well–bippity boppity boo!!  I grew up reading this story, so to play the iconic role of the fairy godmother is a gift.

(LF): What are the challenges and rewards of live theatre compared to other forms of acting?

(RD): I think the challenge is the reward—having to repeat the same thing over and over again and keep it fresh each and every time can be hard, but within that structure, there’s a freedom that exists. The reward is when you hit that sweet spot, even if it’s only for a moment.

(LF): What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about working in theatre?

(RD): That theatre people are always living it up. Most of us are quite regimented due to the physical and mental demands of 8 shows a week. I won’t say that we’re boring, but perhaps not as wildly exciting as people might think.