Meet the cast of Murder at Ackerton Manor | Eliza-Jane Scott as Ariadne Ackerton + other roles

Last winter, Eliza-Jane Scott played someone we’ve all come to know, somewhat understand, and kinda love; the teenager with a smart phone! She also played in last summer’s first production, Come Down From Up River by Norm Foster. We’re very pleased that she’s back this summer, playing Ariadne Ackerton and other roles in Steven Gallagher’s comedic murder-mystery, Murder at Ackerton Manor. We chatted with Eliza-Jane to talk about the role of theatre in today’s society, what drew her to the role of Ariadne Ackerton, and what is the biggest misconception of working in theatre.

Eliza-Jane Scott as Ariadne Ackerton + other roles

Lighthouse Festival (LF): How do you see the role of theatre in today’s society?

Eliza-Jane Scott (EJS): Seeing live theatre obviously brings people together but it’s what we learn about ourselves through sharing stories that uplift and celebrate life. I am so grateful to have had a life in the theatre as both a performer and an audience member!

(LF): What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

(EJS): The most rewarding part of my job is putting a smile on people’s faces, or a tear in their eye. I feel so connected to audiences: it’s their presence that makes me feel so connected to life!

(LF): What drew you to this role in Murder at Ackerton Manor?

(EJS):  The comedy aspects of the play definitely drew me to this role. It’s such a fun and zany comedy….it’s absurdity at its best and I so love comedy!

(LF): What are the challenges and rewards of live theatre compared to other forms of acting?

(EJS): Live theatre is like being at church for me: being with community, witnessing each other and our shared experiences. 

(LF): What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about working in theatre? 

(EJS): Perhaps people don’t understand how much work and sacrifice is involved in making theatre…but perhaps they do. I’m just very grateful that people support the theatre and the community.